
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bus Party

We had a party on our bus because our bus driver was leaving. I know it`s against the rules, but it was her last day and what else can you do? I mean really! Vishnu brought juice, Allie brought brownies, Donny brought Munchkins, and I brought napkins. It was a pretty rocking party. I thought there would be music playing and everybody being all happy, but it still was a party. I`ll miss her, definitely, but it will be fine if we get that rocking substitute bus driver that looks like Lebron.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My view on Antonio Cremartie`s talk

I think that you shouldn`t be talking badly sbout a QB just because you picked him off once. You know how many times has he manipulated you? The Pats won the division and an important game was the 45-3 fluke. I think that the Pats are the better team and I think that the Jets should stop talking trash. I do respect Darelle Revis in all of this huge matter. He decided to not speak too much trash and say that he knows that the Pats are a good team, and that they shouldn`t be overconfident, but they should try hard.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Super Bowl

The Patriots are going to win the super bowl

Vishnu takes me to library

Today, I went to library when Vishnu invited me to. I checked books in and out.

Football with Nikapi

Nick and I were playing football in the snow with a couple of my neighbors. We won with an excellent run by Nikapi and a strip fumble at the 1-yard line by me.